Thursday, February 01, 2007

What An Awesome My Lover!

What an awesome I have someone who is so damn sweetest than other is so sour!

What an awesome I have someone who is really care very much than other do not!

What an awesome I have someone who is show LOVE

more than other so lame!

What an awesome I have someone who is passionate feel than other not know how.

What an awesome I have someone who not care what look like but other does!

What an awesome I have someone who is AWESOME personal but other suck personal!

What an awesome I have someone who is crazy about me but other not!

What an awesome I have someone who love to share with me but other selfish!

What an awesome I have someone who want to be with my life! But other not!

OH MY GOD! What a damn awesome I have someone who is MRS. RIGHT FOR ME!


Joshua Vampbat Womick


Blogger Coach Creech said...

Hey Joshua, I did not realized you was involved deafread lately. Thanks for comments on my several vlogs. Will you start your vlog someday? If so, Good luck and lets get more of SC naive involved the vloggers world.. T'care Don

2:07 AM  

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